Saturday, October 23, 2010

Process Type

Each process can be given a unique identity, known as the process type, in order to differentiate one process from another.
Each process will have a unique identifier, process type, to distinguish between different processes.

The process type is defined as a TUidType which can be constructed from one, two or three TUid components.
Process type is defined as TUidType type, TUidType by one, two or three TUid structural components.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On the C # programming in the socket

C # is Microsoft's new with the a language. As a new language, with C + +, strong, and so they have a VB RAD features. Moreover, Microsoft introduced C # main purpose is to counter Sun's Java. We all know the power of Java language, especially in network programming. So, C # programming in the network are also far behind in human nature. In this paper, we introduce C # to be achieved Sockets (Sockets) some basic knowledge of programming in order to enable all of us have a general understanding of this. First, I introduce to you the concept of the socket.

Socket basic concepts:

Socket is the cornerstone of communication, support TCP / IP protocol the basic operation of the network communication unit. Socket can be seen as different host two-way communication process between the endpoints, which constitutes a single host within and between the network programming interface. Sockets exist in the communications field, communication field is to deal with the general thread through the socket communication and the introduction of an abstract concept. Sockets are usually the domain of the socket and the exchange of the same data (data exchange across domain boundaries may be, but then must perform an interpreter). Processes use the same domain with each other using Internet protocols to communicate cluster.

Sockets can communicate the nature of the classification of this nature is visible for the user. Applications generally only in the same class to communicate between sockets. But as long as the underlying communication protocol to allow different types of socket communication between the also still can. There are two different types of sockets: stream sockets and datagram sockets.

Socket works:

To communicate through the Internet, you need at least a pair of sockets, one of the runs on the client side, we call ClientSocket, another run on the server side, we call ServerSocket.

According to the way and start to connect the local socket to connect to target, the socket connection between the process can be divided into three steps: server monitoring, client requests, the connection confirmation.

The so-called server monitoring, server-side socket is not locate a specific client socket, but is waiting to connect the state, real-time monitoring network status.

The so-called client requests, is made by the client's socket connection requests, the goal is to connect to server-side socket. To this end, the client socket must first describe it to connect to the server socket, that socket server address and port number, and then made to the server-side socket connection requests.

The so-called link to confirm, when a server-side socket listening to or received by the client socket connection request, it will respond to the request of the client socket to create a new thread, the server-side socket description to the client, once the client to confirm this description, the connection is established better. The server-side socket in listening state to continue to receive other client socket connection requests.

Socket programming in C # Example:

Brief introduction to you through the basic concepts of socket programming and realization of the basic principles of the socket, I think we have a preliminary socket programming knowledge. However, the above described only the basic concepts and principles, to really use or need some work. On the basic concepts and principles of true understanding of the best way is to make yourself an example, here I introduce to you a very good realization of socket programming with C # examples - chat room program.

This procedure is based on C / S (server / client) architecture, the program includes a server-side application and a client application. First, the server is running server-side application, run the program started a server listening. Then, the client can open the client application. Program opened with the server-side applications can connect, that is, to client requests. In connection confirmation, the client user and other users in chat client. No limit on the number of clients, but also support the "whisper" chat mode, support chat. So this is a learning socket programming pretty good example. Moreover, the procedure in order to handle each client's information is also used multi-threading mechanism. In each client and server-side connection is successful, the establishment of a thread between them. This use of a multi-threaded, the client will not interaction between, even if one of them wrong and will not affect another.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Peel WPS: Jinshan's insistence or abandoned

Peel WPS: Jinshan's insistence or abandoned

Today, news that the company will plan to Kingsoft WPS, PowerWord and other non-profit business spun off from listed companies, a separate set up a new company, now the program has been basically finalized, is expected to announce at the end. Although the official statement after the Jinshan denied the claim, but an official statement Jinshan, people also see on the horizon, Kingsoft is just a matter of adjustment. If the industry really as forecast in the next Kingsoft WPS and other software business will be stripped of it, I believe that there are three possibilities. One is to gradually dilute the software business, until the exit at the appropriate time, and then degenerated into a pure gaming company; the other is outside the software business as an online game to be another focus of business support, online games and software simultaneously; final is still to support the software business, its main business to stay current online games article retreat. So these three possible Jinshan will choose which one do? Kingsoft software business divestiture what the real purpose? For how can the impact of China's software industry?

If this is the first case, I think this is the most Jinshan no choice. Here may just prove Jinshan's own words, to do software do tired. Experienced 20 years of wind and rain, Jinshan's fate as its iconic calendar software WPS several ups and downs. This being had the brilliant short, but more impressive frustrated. When Jinshan to China's software industry painstaking struggle 20 years later, when I look back, actually profitable online games in China, when the Department, as the representative of China's software industry is unknown Jinshan feel? For China's software industry and software makers are relieved or sigh? Just want to divest the software business, Jinshan rumors recently released, and the State Grid Corporation Kingsoft Kingsoft WPS Office2007 on the procurement office software agreement, which should have made the software for Kingsoft and greatly encouraged, but if in such cases, the future鏈?粓璇佹槑閲戝北鍓ョ杞欢涓氬姟鏄负浜嗘贰鍖栵紝鐢氳嚦鏄斁寮冭蒋浠朵笟鍔★紝杩欒嚦灏戜粠閲戝北鐨勮搴︾湅锛屽浜庝腑鍥芥湭鏉ョ殑Office甯傚満骞朵笉涔愯锛岀敱姝や細缁欎腑鍥藉叾浠栫殑Office杞欢鍘傚晢鐨勮嚜淇″績浠ヤ笉灏忕殑鎵撳嚮锛屾洿鏄腑鍥借蒋浠朵骇涓氱殑鎮插搥銆傛墍浠ョ瑪鑰呬笉甯屾湜閲戝北鍓ョ杞欢涓氬姟鏄繖涓洰鐨勩?


銆??瀵逛簬绗笁绉嶏紝绗旇?璁や负鏄噾灞辨渶鏃犲锛屼篃鏄渶鍚庣殑閫夋嫨銆傝櫧鐒惰鐩墠缃戞父涓氬姟鑳藉鎸e埌閽憋紝浣嗗叾鍙楁斂绛栫殑椋庨櫓鎬т緷鐒跺緢澶с?鎯虫潵閲戝北涔熻兘澶熸剰璇嗗埌杩欑偣銆傛墍浠ヤ箻鐫?埄濂界殑鏃跺?锛屽鎸d簺閽变篃鏃犲彲鍘氶潪銆備絾涓?畾瑕佺粰鑷繁鐣欏悗鎵嬶紝鍗充竴鏃︾綉娓镐笉琛屼簡锛岄噾灞辫嚦灏戣繕鏈夎蒋浠朵笟鍔″彲閫?紝姣曠珶鐢熷瓨鏄涓?綅鐨勩?浣嗛殢涔嬭?鏉ョ殑闂鏄紝閲戝北缃戞父涓氬姟璧㈠埄鐨勬椂闂磋秺闀匡紝杞欢涓氬姟琚贰鍖栫殑鍙兘鎬ц秺澶э紝鎬曞彧鎬曠綉娓镐笟鍔′笉琛岀殑閭d竴澶╋紝鑷繁杞欢涓氬姟鐨勭珵浜夊姏涔熸墍鍓╂棤鍑犱簡锛岃繖鏃犵枒杩濊儗浜嗛噾灞卞墺绂昏蒋浠朵笟鍔$殑鍒濊》銆傛墍浠ュ湪杩欎釜鐩殑涓紝濡備綍鏉冭 缃戞父鍜岃蒋浠朵笟鍔$殑搴﹀浜庨噾灞卞嵆鏄?鎷╀篃鏄?楠屻?褰撶劧杩樻湁涓?鍙兘锛屾墍璋撴湁蹇冩牻鑺辫姳涓嶅紑锛屾棤蹇冩彃鏌虫煶鎴愯崼銆傞噾灞辩殑杩欑涓嶇粡鎰忥紙姣旇緝涓嬬殑鍘嬪姏锛夛紝鏈夊彲鑳借繕璁╄蒋浠朵笟鍔℃湁鎵?彂灞曞憿锛屽競鍦哄崈鍙樹竾鍖栵紝璋佸ソ璇村憿銆?br />
銆??涓婅堪浠呬粎鏄瑪鑰呭浜庨噾灞辨鍓ョ杞欢涓氬姟鐩殑鐨勪竴浜涚畝鍗曠寽鎯筹紝瀵逛簬杞欢鏄潥鎸佽繕鏄斁寮冿紝杩欐槸涓棶棰橈紝杩樻槸璁╂垜浠嫮鐩互寰呭惂銆?br />



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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Deceiving" or "enlightened approach"

Not long ago, the United States have made a home for 2 more than 1000 computer crime survey of SMEs in the network, 88% of companies surveyed in 2005 had at least one safety incident occurred, but nearly half of the company up to four security breaches have occurred accident! Correspondingly, is a separate survey showed that more than 90% of IT managers think that business has been conducted on the company's effective security protection, and only less than 4% of the people a correct understanding of the enterprise information system is difficult to be 100% perfect security.

In fact, most enterprises, especially SMEs, IT director of information security appears blind optimism is not accidental. They tend to believe that their business structure is as complex as many large enterprises, and has been equipped with the mainstream market, anti-virus software and firewall equipment, so should be able to sit back and relax.

However, these enterprises, especially SMEs located in the business environment and the need to face the main enemy - the hacker, and five years ago have made a big difference ... ...

The lifeblood of exposure

First, from the environmental point of view, the network spread and spread, making it the most important drivers for SME development, Er the competitiveness of SMEs edge, largely embodied in its markets and customers a high degree of rapid response, therefore, more dependent upon information networks.

More and more SMEs into their business systems on the network, the network security threats for the information also will increase:

1. Unlike earlier centralized applications, computer systems are mostly small and medium enterprises is based on client / server model and Internet / Intranet network computing model for distributed applications, in such an environment, the company's database servers, file servers, application servers are connected to the network's "door", as long as there is a "gate" did not fully protect, "hackers" will enter the system through the door, theft or destruction of all resources.

2. Intranet improving, with hierarchical network structure, a leading Internet company's transmission link, due to the growing third-party connections, on-site office of the temporary staff needed to connect to the corporate network, and the company's own employees are increasingly mobile stronger, resulting in threats to the Internet can bypass border controls, and then from within a relatively rapid rate of spread. According to ICSA, currently within the system from the enterprise security threat by up to 60%. Therefore, in addition to the original need to protect the growing number of infrastructure, the companies now need to protect the internal network and systems.

3. As the need to maintain a competitive edge, so each company must be applied more rapidly emerging technologies (eg, WLAN, VoIP, and Web services) and all existing technologies and platforms, the new version. Together with a number of important applications built on the internal network, such as property marketing system, customer management systems, office systems. All enterprises not only to manage and protect more computing infrastructure and applications, but most of them are emerging complex structure and procedures, highly fragmented. Results are due to configuration errors and negligence leading to the increasing vulnerability of code.

4. SMEs are usually high growth companies, with the continuous development and growth of enterprises, number of terminals within the enterprise increasingly expanding and changing, increasing the security management more difficult.

Hackers armed

And the increasingly complex and difficult to manage than the information environment, SMEs face a more direct challenge comes from the hacker. In recent years more and more motivation for committing the crime hackers strongly driven by economic interests, and most of the development of SMEs which customer records, financial data, technical characteristics of high commercial value, but the protective measures are often relatively single, so be the best target for hackers.

The past, people might think that hackers will not be developed for SMEs specific means of attack, because it looks more harm than good, in fact, according to Symantec survey found that the development of new malicious software, making the difficulty of getting lower and lower, increasingly sophisticated hacking toolkit growing and can be downloaded anywhere on the Internet, threatening the production of software and modular construction techniques led to the development threat to the behavior of common variants.

At the same time, these security threats are increasingly shorter generation time. From the discovery of new vulnerabilities to launch attacks against the vulnerability of a particular time between the inevitably shortened. In fact, according to recent statistics, leaving enterprises "patch" of the "window of time" on average only six days. Therefore, even if some businesses related to staff time to time on the vulnerabilities the updates, the network is still difficult to guarantee their safety, but at present most SMEs rely on antivirus software and firewall during the update of time, are facing similar problems.

Finally, the hackers use through the use of a variety of mechanisms, and effective method of load or spread of the hybrid means are more likely to avoid the invasion of defense enterprises, and successfully achieve its purpose. Another reason for the worsening situation led to a hacker attack system and the current main weaknesses in the application layer, not the network layer of vulnerability. In this way, they often focus on network layer attack protection strategy activities slip through the net, unfortunately, as mentioned at the outset, most SMEs are only by virtue of such security measures to protect themselves, and that has been foolproof.

Comprehensive intrusion prevention

Bring these issues to face the confusion and challenges for SMEs, Symantec believes that the key point is that the majority of SMEs by focusing on the border is highly reactive defensive measures, it can not maintain the current trend of ever-changing threats synchronization. The new security threats now emerging, and spread with unprecedented speed, will inevitably lead to the current chaos.

In other words, SMEs should be aware of multi-level security measures onion theory, adopt the intrusion detection, intrusion prevention represented mixed preventive measures possible to ensure network security. This is because normally the firewall access control policy is to implement a system of checks flowing through the network traffic, block non-compliant packets. Traditional firewalls to reject those obvious suspicious network traffic, but still allow certain traffic through, so do anything for many intrusion. An invasion of protection technology through the monitoring network or system resources, look for violations of security policies, action or intrusion signs, activities and attacks on the invasion of intercept network traffic and avoid the resulting loss, this way, the problem packets, and all follow-up from the same data stream of data packets, in the IPS device can be removed.

Symantec network security solutions for SMEs, the integration of and highlights the intrusion detection and intrusion prevention system role, such as the Symantec Network Security 7100 (hereinafter referred to as SNS) line of security appliances, regardless of the environment in which the network topology run, by clicking the mouse in the intrusion detection and intrusion prevention switch between modes, this flexibility in the protection of security, network applications as possible to ensure patency.

姝ゅ锛岃櫧鐒惰禌闂ㄩ搧鍏嬬殑鍏ヤ镜闃叉姢绯荤粺铏界劧鏄熀浜庣綉缁滅殑璁惧锛屼絾瀹冨嵈涓昏鐢ㄤ簬鍦ㄨ绠楀爢鏍堢殑鎵?湁灞傞樆姝㈡敾鍑伙紝鍥犳闃叉姢涓ュ瘑鍏ㄩ潰銆傚叾涓昏鎶?湳鐗规?濡備笅锛?br />
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路娣峰悎妫?祴浣撶郴缁撴瀯锛岃瘑鍒浂鏃堕棿鏀诲嚮銆係NS缁勫悎鍗忚寮傚父妫?祴銆佺姸鎬佺壒寰佺鍚嶃?婕忔礊鏀诲嚮鎷︽埅銆侀?淇¢?鐜囩洃鎺с?IDS 閫冮伩澶勭悊銆佹暟鎹祦绛栫暐鍐茬獊銆両P 鍦板潃鎷嗗垎閲嶇粍浠ュ強鑷畾涔夊寮虹壒寰佺鍚嶆弿杩拌瑷?潵鏀堕泦鎭舵剰娲诲姩鐨勮瘉鎹?SNS 7100 鐨勫崗璁紓甯告娴嬫湁鍔╀簬妫?祴浠ュ墠鏈煡鐨勬敾鍑诲拰鏂版敾鍑伙紙鍦ㄥ畠浠彂鐢熸椂妫?祴锛夈?姝ゅ姛鑳界О涓衡?闆舵椂闂粹?妫?祴銆?br />
路瀹炴椂浜嬩欢鍏宠仈鍜屽垎鏋愶紝蹇?瀹氫綅浼佷笟缃戝▉鑳佹潵婧愩?SNS鐨勫叧鑱斿拰鍒嗘瀽寮曟搸鍙护鎺夊啑浣欐暟鎹?鍙垎鏋愮浉鍏充俊鎭紝浠庤?浣垮緱鎻愪緵鐨勫▉鑳侀?鐭ヤ笉浼氬嚭鐜版暟鎹秴杞姐?SNS 浣跨敤璺ㄨ妭鐐瑰垎鏋愬湪浼佷笟缃戝唴鏀堕泦淇℃伅锛屼粠鑰屽揩閫熷湴甯姪绠$悊鍛樺紕娓呮瓒嬪娍骞跺湪鐩稿叧浜嬩欢鍜屼簨鏁呭彂鐢熸椂璇嗗埆瀹冧滑銆?br />
路鑷姩鐨凷ymantec 瀹夊叏鏇存柊銆傛潵鑷?Symantec 瀹夊叏鍝嶅簲涓績鐨勫畾鏈熴?蹇?鍝嶅簲 瀹夊叏鏇存柊鍙彁渚涙渶浣崇殑瀹夊叏淇濇姢鍜屾渶鏂扮殑瀹夊叏涓婁笅鏂囦俊鎭紝鍖呮嫭鍒╃敤鍜屾紡娲炰俊鎭?浜嬩欢璇存槑浠ュ強鐢ㄤ簬闃插尽涓嶆柇澧炲鐨勫▉鑳佺殑浜嬩欢缁嗗寲瑙勫垯銆傝繖浜涙搷浣滃ぇ澶у噺灏戜簡浼佷笟绠$悊鍛樼殑缁存姢宸ヤ綔閲忋?

鐢辨鎴戜滑鍙互鐪嬪嚭锛岃禌闂ㄩ搧鍏嬫彁渚涚殑涓皬浼佷笟鍏ヤ镜闃叉姢绯荤粺锛屼笉浠呯潃鐪间簬灏嗕腑灏忎紒涓氱殑瀹夊叏闃叉姢姘村钩鎻愬崌鍒颁笌鐜伴樁娈靛畨鍏ㄥ▉鑳佺浉閫傚簲鐨勬柊楂樺害锛屾洿浠庨儴缃层?缁存姢鐨勪究鍒╂?锛屽崌绾с?绠$悊鐨勭畝渚挎?涓婏紝璁╀腑灏忎紒涓氱殑淇℃伅瀹夊叏闃叉姢锛岀湡姝d粠鈥滄帺鑰崇洍閾冣?浼肩殑鐩茬洰涔愯杞彉涓衡?鎴愮鍦ㄨ兏鈥濈殑瀹夋灂鏃犲咖銆?br />


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Focus Media second quarter net profit of 37.7 million U.S. dollars

U.S. Eastern Time at 16 o'clock on the September 27th (Beijing time at 4 o'clock on the 28 September) News, Focus Media (Nasdaq: FMCN) announced today that as of June 30 in the second quarter of 2007 unaudited financial statements . The report shows that Focus Media revenue for the second quarter of the total 113.3 million U.S. dollars, up 126.3%, 97.5% previous quarter; in accordance with GAAP, net income for the second quarter of 37.7 million U.S. dollars, up 126.2% , up 131.5% sequentially.

Main results:

- Focus Media revenue for the second quarter of the total 113.3 million U.S. dollars, up 126.3%, 97.5% previous quarter.

- Focus Media Net income for the second quarter of 37.7 million U.S. dollars, up 126.2 percent, 131.5 percent growth the previous quarter. Focus Media second quarter fully diluted earnings per ADS was 0.32 U.S. dollars. Excluding non-cash share-based compensation expenses and amortization of intangible assets resulting from acquisitions (not in accordance with GAAP), Focus Media Net income for the second quarter of 45.3 million U.S. dollars, fully diluted earnings per ADS 0.38 U.S. dollars.

- As for the advertisers products growing digital media, Focus Media will be three different categories according to the report of advertising revenue, are: (1) digital outdoor advertising, including commercial building network (network A network of commercial buildings Other commercial premises network, outdoor LED network and movie theater advertising network), store network, apartment elevator print media network; (2) Mobile advertising; (3) Internet advertising.

- Focus Media Digital Outdoor Advertising second-quarter revenue of 76.9 million U.S. dollars, which come from the commercial location network, including outdoor LED network (iStreet Network) and movie theater advertising network, advertising service revenue was 51.1 million U.S. dollars, up 67.8 % increase 61.4% sequentially; from the store network advertising service revenue for the 7.2 million U.S. dollars, up 10.8%, up 9.1% sequentially. Network from the apartment elevator print media advertising revenues for the 18.5 million U.S. dollars, up 89.7%, 46.4% previous quarter.

- Focus Media, mobile advertising revenues for the second quarter of 10.9 million U.S. dollars, up 253.8%, 81.1% previous quarter.

- Focus Media Internet advertising revenues for the second quarter of 25.2 million U.S. dollars. Focus Media Internet advertising revenue primarily from the first quarter of 2007, acquired Allyes.

Financial Analysis:

Focus Media revenue for the second quarter of the total 113.3 million U.S. dollars, compared with last year's 50.1 million U.S. dollars increased 126.3 percent, 57.3 million U.S. dollars the previous quarter growth of 97.5%.

Focus Media's digital outdoor advertising second quarter revenue of 76.9 million U.S. dollars, compared with last year's 46.8 million U.S. dollars increased 64.4%, 51 million U.S. dollars the previous quarter growth of 50.8%. From the second quarter of Focus Media commercial location network, advertising service revenue was 51.1 million U.S. dollars, in the digital outdoor advertising revenue accounted for 66.4%; from the store network advertising service revenue was 7.2 million dollars, revenue in the digital outdoor advertising accounted for 9.4%. Network from the apartment elevator print media advertising revenues for the 18.5 million U.S. dollars, in the digital outdoor advertising revenue accounted for 24.1%.

As the growing media products, and customer demand continues to grow, Focus Media started in accordance with the needs of large advertisers to provide customized media solutions. Focus Media also given to commercial buildings in the city network to extend the cycle time to 12 minutes. Affected, Focus Media reported in the previous financial network provided 30-second commercial advertising time slots of the volume and the average time per 30-second ad revenue is no longer representative. So this year, Focus Media will no longer provide such data.

As of June 30, 2007, Focus Media commercial location network installation

The total quantity of liquid crystal screen 89 687, of which 85,010 are directly owned by the company's network of regional distributors is 4677. As of June 30, 2007, Focus Media in 1205 installed a large supermarket LCD screen, higher than as of March 31 of 1196. As of June 30, 2007, Focus Media at 734 supermarkets and 2,056 convenience stores to install the LCD screen. As of June 30, 2007, Focus Media store network in the total quantity of liquid crystal screen 41 322 as of March 31 to 40 736. As of June 30, 2007, Focus Media Advertising Framework available for the total number of 161,435, as of March 31 was 124,542. As of August 30, 2007, Focus Media has installed 6,796 digital 2.0 framework, mainly located in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

The second quarter of Focus Media Focus Media Wireless from advertising revenues for the 10.9 million U.S. dollars, compared with last year's 3.1 million U.S. dollars increased 253.8 percent, six million U.S. dollars the previous quarter growth of 81.1%.

Focus Media second quarter from Allyes revenues of 25.2 million U.S. dollars. In Focus Media Internet advertising revenue, digital marketing, digital marketing technology and digital performance media accounted for 90.0%, respectively, 3.4% and 6.6% proportion.

Focus Media second quarter gross margin was 61.8 million U.S. dollars, compared with last year's 28.5 million U.S. dollars increased 117.2 percent, 31.8 million U.S. dollars the previous quarter growth of 94.8%. Second quarter of 2007, Focus Media's digital outdoor advertising gross margin was 63.1%. In Focus Media Digital outdoor advertising business, commercial network gross margin was 65.0%, store network gross margin was 28.4%, flat apartment elevator network gross margin was 71.6%. Focus Media mobile advertising gross margin was 58.0%. Focus Media Internet advertising gross margin was 27.1%. Focus Media second quarter gross margin was 54.6%, 56.9% lower than the same period last year, mainly due to lower profit margins to join the Internet advertising business.

Focus Media operating expenses for the second quarter of 23.7 million U.S. dollars, which included the acquisition of the 800,000 U.S. dollars generated by amortization of intangible assets and 460 million non-cash stock compensation expense. Focus Media operating expenses in the second quarter of the total revenue accounted for 20.9%, 30.2% the previous quarter. Focus Media General and administrative expenses of the second quarter to 11.6 million U.S. dollars, the proportion of total revenue 10.3%, which included 2.6 million U.S. dollars in stock-based compensation; sales and marketing expenses for the 13.2 million U.S. dollars, the total operating percentage of revenue was 11.6%, which included 2 million U.S. dollars in stock compensation expense. Focus Media second quarter operating margin was 33.7%, 25.2% the previous quarter. Excluding non-cash share-based compensation expenses and amortization of intangible assets (not in accordance with GAAP), Focus Media's second quarter operating margin was 40.4%.

Focus Media Net income for the second quarter of 37.7 million U.S. dollars, up 126.2 percent, 131.5 percent growth the previous quarter. Focus Media second quarter fully diluted earnings per ADS was 0.32 U.S. dollars. Excluding non-cash share-based compensation expenses and amortization of intangible assets resulting from acquisitions (not in accordance with GAAP), Focus Media Net income for the second quarter of 45.3 million U.S. dollars, fully diluted earnings per ADS 0.38 U.S. dollars.


Focus Media expects third quarter 2007 total revenues of 132 million U.S. dollars to 135 million U.S. dollars; not included in share-based compensation expenses and amortization of intangible assets resulting from acquisitions (not in accordance with GAAP), Focus Media expects third-quarter Net income was 52 million U.S. dollars to 54 million U.S. dollars, fully diluted earnings per ADS 0.41 dollars to 0.43 U.S. dollars. As the Internet advertising business growing faster than expected, Focus Media will be in 2007 revenue estimate from 390 million U.S. dollars to 400 million U.S. dollars, raised 440 million U.S. dollars to 4.5 billion.

Conference Call:

After the earnings release, Focus Media will be Eastern Time at 21 o'clock on the September 27th (Beijing time at 9 o'clock on the 28 September) conference call. Focus Media will be the management will attend the meeting, results and highlights and to answer questions raised by investors and analysts. Focus Media to listen to the conference call, U.S. investors can call toll-free number +1-866-700-7477, Hong Kong investors may call +852-3002-1672, international investors can call +1-617-213 -8 840, the password is "81045580."

U.S. Eastern Time on September 27 to October 4 between the U.S. investors can call toll-free number +1-888-286-8010, international investors may dial +1-617-801-6888, to listen to Focus Media conference call recording, the password is "34979673." In addition, investors can access the Focus Media web site, listen to the teleconference webcast and recording.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

eHR Four Party Advisory Misunderstanding

If you pick up a foreign management books, chances are "performance management" of the subject, or may be "cost management" of the subject, no matter what, you can easily find a specific section: This book is the subject of a number of errors . Similarly, the concept of domestic enterprise information dissemination there are errors. Truth and falsehood, is often a pair of neighbors.

"Consulting Party" in the background appears

As the overall national trend of enterprise information from immaturity to maturity, more and more companies to make such a demand: I hope that in considering the application of eHR systems such as construction, to find a real understanding of information technology applications, understand the business, to overall long-term considerations for business staff and assistants. This brings "Party Consultation" service approach: In order to address enterprise "Party A" and the vendor, the implementation of company "B" asymmetric information between parties to promote the business and implementation services, communication and win-win situation, providing information Application of a series of customized training, IT planning, product selection, process control, assessment and other professional services to help enterprises effectively manage information technology to enhance and to obtain benefits.

However, the "Party consultation" understanding, there are also some errors, these errors make the information in the enterprise application and implementation of decisions seem hesitant and slow.

Myth # 1: Select Party advice is to choose Supervision Service.

Out of misunderstanding: the risk information is not ex post facto project evaluation, but in the whole process of project management and control. If the process is simple to implement supervision and guidance, it is difficult to effectively reduce the corporate and consulting company information asymmetry, information is difficult to truly reduce the risk of the application process.

Information system project risk not only from the project implementation process. If you choose at the outset a wrong software or a service company strength is not strong, then the Commissioner can not find even the best implementation of the project risk reduction. Therefore, more emphasis on consulting Party is the whole enterprise information applications staff roles, including project planning, requirements analysis, software and implementation partner selection, project implementation process of the auxiliary management, project evaluation after the results.

Before the start of the project, Party A consulting company's business needs through research and analysis conducted to determine the scope and objectives of the project. In addition, Party A consultation is also the enterprise, business, finance, project management, to analyze the overall assessment of the implementation of enterprise risk now facing where what should be strengthened and enhanced.

Implementation of the project, Party A consulting through project management tools, according to the International Project Management Association of generic project management method, the progress of implementation, risk management, communication management, document management, quality control and some links to assist management to reduce the enterprise Information risk of the implementation process to help companies improve their business and the implementation of the process of implementation of project management.

After implementation of the project, Party A will be combined with consultation before the start of the project, the project start the process, after the end of the project to assess the situation at all stages of project implementation results, and make optimal business direction and future implementation plans.

Shows that consultation will not be a simple Party is equivalent to the supervision of project implementation. Supervision in accordance with certain standards and norms to appraise and supervise the implementation of the company's work, but in the process of implementing information systems, whether international or domestic, as the construction industry as no set of quantifiable standards and norms for corporate and implementation of company information. Because the business reality is vastly different, there can not be generalized in the management of the standards. Therefore, Party A consultation process in the implementation of the project is not a judge's identity, but more of a company's staff, is to help business and implementation of a bridge company, to assist the parties in the project implementation to improve project management of both reduce project risk.

Myth # 2: enterprise information applications, such as eHR, the key lies in implementation of the company. Implementation of the company that is good, there is no need, please consult Party; implementation of the company that is not good, please consult Party did not help.

Out of misunderstanding: the successful application of enterprise information is the key enterprise itself, if successful hopes entirely on the implementation of the company, then the idea itself has already been to the progress of information buried a hidden danger.

The success of enterprise information, the most important is not the software's advanced nature and implementation of the company's service capabilities, but the company's own quality, experience and skills are sufficient to meet the management and improve the synchronization information. That is, when companies are successful in the ERP and anxiety, the uncertainty, the first should ask yourself the question: "enterprise itself ready yet?" This provision is comprised of companies within the right awareness and understanding of information technology extent, on the software industry and consulting knowledge of the degree of control over the project implementation capabilities. Throughout the successful application of information technology companies, the key point is the company for information technology and consulting industry with in-depth knowledge and understanding of, and companies begin to implement the project in the beginning, it is deeply aware of their implementation of the project owner.

But many business reality is that the understanding of information technology remain at the conceptual level only, not to mention the software and consulting industry knowledge, it is difficult to accurately evaluate an implementation of the company's "excellent" and "bad." Second, a "good implementation of the company" and a "good", a project is two totally different concepts. Although some people can be pledged to promote their successful implementation of the project 100%, but the reality is: Whether foreign consulting giant, or the domestic implementation of the biggest names in the unsuccessful case against them everywhere and really talk about success The case is rare. Thus, the implementation of the company's strength does not determine the success of a project, even more important is to implement the team's experience and efforts, and this is the need for strong project management skills to achieve. Objectively speaking, really have this ability and the implementation of the company is not many. Therefore, if the project before the start of the implementation process, the success of the project hopes entirely on the implementation of the company, which is in itself a worthy pay close attention to the perceived risk, have also been planted to the progress of information technology risks.

Misunderstanding 3: "Software Products + implementation of the company", so that we can ensure the success of enterprise information applications.

Out of the Myth: No one can ensure success when the project began, mature enterprises address risk, calmly, steadily success.

Application of information involving corporate departments, need to mobilize various resources within the enterprise. More importantly, the information technology application as a project, the implementation of the application process must also exist a variety of risks, the need for risk management. No one can ensure success when the project began, Party consultants have served as staff can not be out of this blank check, software companies, the implementation of the company can not give up the professional ethics to make unrealistic over-commitment to the project left a family troubles. The successful application of information technology is not "guarantee out" is the work by companies in place, the various properties of software products in place, the implementation of the services the company put in place "to do step by step out" of. Party consultation process in the service provider does not offer a specific product or implementation services sales agent, but through the ERP / CRM / SCM system applications such as long-term market tracking, extensive analysis and research of various products characteristics as well as the success or failure of the application of information technology industry case, according to the actual situation of enterprises to provide a neutral, impartial advice. Party consultants in the project team played the role of the enterprise's staff, this staff is not the role of the decision of the Party Advisory deliberately suppressed to help Party B, but as an experienced professional to add strength to the Party The project team, and provide appropriate advice to the Party clear project requirements, understanding of project risk, improve business awareness, promote consensus and by examining the implementation of the company's commitment to the importance and implementation of the project level, to promote enterprise side and the implementation of the reached win-win situation, to promote the success of the project.

Myth # 4: "Party Advisory abroad do not."

Avoiding Misunderstanding: relative to foreign enterprises, domestic enterprises also need to consult Party.

The country is a practice of information technology, first refer to the practice of history and experience abroad, this is a grain of truth, the development of foreign enterprises in the information ahead of our country, we can get out on the basis of reference to more foreign the way for Chinese enterprises. On the one hand, we see that the foreign presence APICS, Gartner and other information technology authority, for foreign enterprises to the development of information technology to provide a variety of expert services year round. Many of the world's top 500 companies and these institutions have established stable partnerships, the information authority to provide enterprises with a variety of expert services, information technology application from the analysis of trends, you have to plan the development of Enterprise Information and specific applications of choice, and so on.

Relative to foreign enterprises, the application of the domestic enterprise information maturity is generally low. Most companies especially in the corporate senior management, lack of information related to the application of knowledge and deep understanding. Therefore, enterprises need to apply for their own information to make clear the direction of choice, they often feel difficult. In addition, the domestic software vendors and service providers to implement the overall level of industry self-regulation needs to be improved. Objectively speaking, software and implementation services in the sales process, does have some over-promise, "the negotiation process with the customer information application in exaggerating the role and effect of raising expectations" and "in the implementation process deliberately to customer needs avoid, reduce expectations "in stark contrast. Domestic enterprises have already happened and many information technology failures, has provided a lot of negative materials and bitter lessons.

The Party consultation is to provide a range of business services to general staff. Party staff consultation service is a business management and information to promote the level of the process of continuously spiral. From a large part of it, including: assessment of the status of enterprise information, the application of information technology planning, business needs analysis, product selection, project management processes supporting the implementation of continuous improvement of after. Party counseling is not for business information in a specific project to provide a one-time services, but located in the business management and information technology applications to enhance the long-term strategic partner. Link from the specific operation, the Party can provide consultation for enterprises is a spectacular race Employee eHR, jeopardy, it can be a real number of users to purchase software LICENSE estimates; may be some protection software purchase contracts the terms of the agreed business interests, it can be a practical start in place of the ERP General Assembly; can be a consensus standard and easy to use project management project management IT platform, you can switch the program is a safe arrangement. Therefore, the Party consultation is a real consulting services, if only to stay in business literally explore the need for "Party A consultation", and do it "game of words" is no different.

After all, companies from the "Party consultation" full partners in service benefit.

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