Saturday, October 23, 2010

Process Type

Each process can be given a unique identity, known as the process type, in order to differentiate one process from another.
Each process will have a unique identifier, process type, to distinguish between different processes.

The process type is defined as a TUidType which can be constructed from one, two or three TUid components.
Process type is defined as TUidType type, TUidType by one, two or three TUid structural components.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On the C # programming in the socket

C # is Microsoft's new with the a language. As a new language, with C + +, strong, and so they have a VB RAD features. Moreover, Microsoft introduced C # main purpose is to counter Sun's Java. We all know the power of Java language, especially in network programming. So, C # programming in the network are also far behind in human nature. In this paper, we introduce C # to be achieved Sockets (Sockets) some basic knowledge of programming in order to enable all of us have a general understanding of this. First, I introduce to you the concept of the socket.

Socket basic concepts:

Socket is the cornerstone of communication, support TCP / IP protocol the basic operation of the network communication unit. Socket can be seen as different host two-way communication process between the endpoints, which constitutes a single host within and between the network programming interface. Sockets exist in the communications field, communication field is to deal with the general thread through the socket communication and the introduction of an abstract concept. Sockets are usually the domain of the socket and the exchange of the same data (data exchange across domain boundaries may be, but then must perform an interpreter). Processes use the same domain with each other using Internet protocols to communicate cluster.

Sockets can communicate the nature of the classification of this nature is visible for the user. Applications generally only in the same class to communicate between sockets. But as long as the underlying communication protocol to allow different types of socket communication between the also still can. There are two different types of sockets: stream sockets and datagram sockets.

Socket works:

To communicate through the Internet, you need at least a pair of sockets, one of the runs on the client side, we call ClientSocket, another run on the server side, we call ServerSocket.

According to the way and start to connect the local socket to connect to target, the socket connection between the process can be divided into three steps: server monitoring, client requests, the connection confirmation.

The so-called server monitoring, server-side socket is not locate a specific client socket, but is waiting to connect the state, real-time monitoring network status.

The so-called client requests, is made by the client's socket connection requests, the goal is to connect to server-side socket. To this end, the client socket must first describe it to connect to the server socket, that socket server address and port number, and then made to the server-side socket connection requests.

The so-called link to confirm, when a server-side socket listening to or received by the client socket connection request, it will respond to the request of the client socket to create a new thread, the server-side socket description to the client, once the client to confirm this description, the connection is established better. The server-side socket in listening state to continue to receive other client socket connection requests.

Socket programming in C # Example:

Brief introduction to you through the basic concepts of socket programming and realization of the basic principles of the socket, I think we have a preliminary socket programming knowledge. However, the above described only the basic concepts and principles, to really use or need some work. On the basic concepts and principles of true understanding of the best way is to make yourself an example, here I introduce to you a very good realization of socket programming with C # examples - chat room program.

This procedure is based on C / S (server / client) architecture, the program includes a server-side application and a client application. First, the server is running server-side application, run the program started a server listening. Then, the client can open the client application. Program opened with the server-side applications can connect, that is, to client requests. In connection confirmation, the client user and other users in chat client. No limit on the number of clients, but also support the "whisper" chat mode, support chat. So this is a learning socket programming pretty good example. Moreover, the procedure in order to handle each client's information is also used multi-threading mechanism. In each client and server-side connection is successful, the establishment of a thread between them. This use of a multi-threaded, the client will not interaction between, even if one of them wrong and will not affect another.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Peel WPS: Jinshan's insistence or abandoned

Peel WPS: Jinshan's insistence or abandoned

Today, news that the company will plan to Kingsoft WPS, PowerWord and other non-profit business spun off from listed companies, a separate set up a new company, now the program has been basically finalized, is expected to announce at the end. Although the official statement after the Jinshan denied the claim, but an official statement Jinshan, people also see on the horizon, Kingsoft is just a matter of adjustment. If the industry really as forecast in the next Kingsoft WPS and other software business will be stripped of it, I believe that there are three possibilities. One is to gradually dilute the software business, until the exit at the appropriate time, and then degenerated into a pure gaming company; the other is outside the software business as an online game to be another focus of business support, online games and software simultaneously; final is still to support the software business, its main business to stay current online games article retreat. So these three possible Jinshan will choose which one do? Kingsoft software business divestiture what the real purpose? For how can the impact of China's software industry?

If this is the first case, I think this is the most Jinshan no choice. Here may just prove Jinshan's own words, to do software do tired. Experienced 20 years of wind and rain, Jinshan's fate as its iconic calendar software WPS several ups and downs. This being had the brilliant short, but more impressive frustrated. When Jinshan to China's software industry painstaking struggle 20 years later, when I look back, actually profitable online games in China, when the Department, as the representative of China's software industry is unknown Jinshan feel? For China's software industry and software makers are relieved or sigh? Just want to divest the software business, Jinshan rumors recently released, and the State Grid Corporation Kingsoft Kingsoft WPS Office2007 on the procurement office software agreement, which should have made the software for Kingsoft and greatly encouraged, but if in such cases, the future鏈?粓璇佹槑閲戝北鍓ョ杞欢涓氬姟鏄负浜嗘贰鍖栵紝鐢氳嚦鏄斁寮冭蒋浠朵笟鍔★紝杩欒嚦灏戜粠閲戝北鐨勮搴︾湅锛屽浜庝腑鍥芥湭鏉ョ殑Office甯傚満骞朵笉涔愯锛岀敱姝や細缁欎腑鍥藉叾浠栫殑Office杞欢鍘傚晢鐨勮嚜淇″績浠ヤ笉灏忕殑鎵撳嚮锛屾洿鏄腑鍥借蒋浠朵骇涓氱殑鎮插搥銆傛墍浠ョ瑪鑰呬笉甯屾湜閲戝北鍓ョ杞欢涓氬姟鏄繖涓洰鐨勩?


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